Ideal Insights: June 25, 2020

Ideal Insights: June 25, 2020

When you are having fun, and creating something you love, it shows in the product. – Tom Ford

If you missed the news… ALC is now Adstra – the new ideal in data

We are proud of our journey to this moment and look forward to the future with each of our customers and partners. 

This Week’s Update:

So this week’s update is focused a bit on the “why” we decided to change our name. Certainly there is an element of excitement and intrigue that a new brand creates, but for us there is also the need to create focus on a problem in the market that in our eyes is not being met effectively today and the need to create an answer. That answer is a new type of company, a new category in the market that help us all move forward effectively. We have defined this new category a Data Bureau. A Data Bureau is a company focused on enabling brands and advertisers to get more out of their existing marketing and customer experience technologies and campaigns, by better Orchestrating the use of data and identity consistently across media. 

The problem in today’s market is that effectively all providers and technologies have focused in on specific use cases within specific media channels. As technologies and media channels proliferate, marketers are losing to the complexity, while the providers gain a greater portion of each marketing dollar spent. Many have called it the growing “Ad Tax”. And while the Ad Tax is growing, the ability to have true insight and connectivity to you customers and prospects has actually diminished. One to One marketing has given way to moment to moment marketing. The alternatives to this problem have historically been twofold: take a larger portion of the data and technology in house and manage it yourself, or avoid the complexity and turn over the reins to the walled gardens of Google, Amazon and Facebook. The Data Bureau is your third and new alternative.

A Data Bureau is a company that can ingest any form of identity (individual or household), assign a persistent ID connected to attributes data, and action against any other media or form of identity. It works independent of a client’s choice in technology, allows for identity resolution to evolve as market conditions evolve, and enables you to meet privacy regulations by linking you data back to validated individuals or customers.

Should you look for more help on this topic, please reach out and we would be happy to help. Email us at

ALC in Action:

To date some 45 organizations have engaged with our non-commercial COVID-19 offering and we are here to help as many more as we can.

If interested in ALC’s offer, email for more details.

Articles of Interest:

Our insights are again only a small fraction of what is being shared out there. Here are some other interesting articles and opinions we thought to share to both inform and inspire discussion.

Positivity Press:

We can all use a little positivity in life. Here are some of the recent highlights from our internal Positivity Press that we wanted to share with everyone:

As always, we look forward to keeping you up to speed with useful and actionable info that can help us all get through this together.  Stay safe.

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If you think others may be interested in getting a copy of this newsletter, please have them email us at connect@adstradata.comand we will add them to our list. You can also find copies of this and previous newsletters at ALC’s website:

If you like what Adstra has to share or want to learn more about what we do, please visit our website at or follow us on LinkedIn @Adstra or Facebook @Adstradata. We welcome you to the new ideal in data.


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