portable data promotes actions across channels, with limited economic or privacy risk

Comprehensive consumer and business data files providing access to high quality individual data attributes that serve as the foundation of marketing, customer and advertising decisions
You bring the audience with their contact info, we deliver all that you want to know about them in a consistent and compliant manner

Adstra Data Essential Categories


Reach consumers with intent

Our essential consumer data file on 235MM validated US individuals, focused on providing the 300 data elements marketers and advertisers most commonly use including standards like age, income, gender, etc.


Reach a premium audience

Many businesses have specific data needs for their specific verticals. Adstra is able to supplement our essentials file with a wide array of vertical specific data to meet your needs.


Reach businesses at work

Our essential business data file on 70MM validated US individuals, representing 22MM organizations. Like consumer essential focused on providing the key data elements marketers and advertisers most commonly use including title, reports, revenue and organization hierarchy.




Other Providers:

Business Model restrictions on Data Sharing.

Adstra – Disruptive identity Aproach:

Attributes can be deployed inside a client’s infrastructure with daily updates.


Other Providers:

Contractually restrictive in data sharing with customers/partners.

Adstra – Disruptive identity Aproach:

Cloud based infrastructure built on persistent individual keys, gives flexibility to share data sets in required formats with customers/partners.


Other Providers:

Lack of service focus on key aspects of account integration and management.

Adstra – Disruptive identity Aproach:

Service focused organization dedicating resources at every stage of the client engagement. Core team of subject matter experts have worked together for years.


Other Providers:

Legacy based technology creating high overhead costs increase prices. Volume based with limited use of data across media… pay twice model.

Adstra – Disruptive identity Aproach:

Cloud based, low tech management costs, reduce overhead mark up on data aggregation cost. Value based pricing with no media use restrictions… buy once use everywhere model.


Other Providers:

Data applied to non validated individuals, typically to hashed emails.

Adstra – Disruptive identity Aproach:

Similar data sources but with validation on application to individual records. Data applied against validated individuals, forcing recognition and resolution of contradicting information.

The lead way to reach the audiences that mater most — at scale.

Effectively reach both digital and terrestrial audiences through our premium person-based data.

• 250MM+ Individuals
• 22M+ Companies
• 200+ Essential Data Elements
• 70MM+ Professionals

Our at-scale alternative for marketers looking to reach audiences on health-related topics.​

Full U.S. coverage of HIPAA-compliant and industry standards that are selectable by reach tiers of 230+ subsegments provide models that are 2x as predictive as the current industry approach.

Enhance your understanding of your customer through Adstra Orbits.​

Unlike other lifestyle cluster codes, Adstra Orbits are defined not just by demographics but also by intent and media consumption based on individual observations, driving better results for marketers and advertisers.


Installable Behind the Firewall

Traditionally, enterprises have relied on intermediaries to handle data matching, identity resolution, and data dissemination. Adstra’s Conexa platform can manage these processes entirely in your own environment, ensuring your data remains protected behind your own firewall.

Transparent and Configurable

Identity resolution for many data firms is operated as a “black box”, single-answer approach to record matching. At Adstra, we enable clients to have input on the design and level of record match to best meet their needs through our transparent, cloud-based identity graph.

Interoperable and Channel Agnostic

Most data firms are concentrated on one type of identity, limiting their scale and interoperability in today’s multi-ID post-cookie landscape. Adstra’s identity spine covers multiple forms of IDs across multiple channels: online, offline, “universal IDs”, mobile, CTV and others.

Value-Based Economics

Traditional data firms charge based on usage, hindering the fullest applications of data and identity. By contrast, Adstra bills on a predictable SaaS model that allows enterprises to leverage the maximum potential of their data assets without being penalized for doing so.

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