Ideal Insights – April 2024

In today’s marketing world, the fusion of digital and traditional channels is essential for reaching diverse audiences. To do it well, brands need to blend technology — like identity graphs and new first-party data — an understanding of effective direct marketing techniques applied across media channels, and a focus on evolving regulatory and consumer expectations. […]

Ideal Insights – December 2023

Happy Holidays!As we come to the close of 2023, we wanted to pause and thank our readers, clients and followers for being part of the Adstra journey. We hope that you, your family, friends, and colleagues are finding health, happiness and success in all that you are doing and looking forward to the new year. […]

Ideal Insights March/April 2023

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“As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.”  – Amit Roy March/April The Natural Language Model Explosion: It’s still early days, but we thought it might be fun this month to explore what we can learn from some of the leading natural language […]

Ideal Insights – September 2022

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“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller This Month’s Update Clean room mania is sweeping the digital media industry as advertisers look for ways to identify, target and measure consumer engagement without the use of cookies. The drivers behind this push are twofold: one the expansion of […]

Finding the right balance with Adstra’s data model

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February 1, 2021 This week’s article is written by Pam Perron, Chief Human Resources Officer at Adstra. 2020 was a transformative year for every business, forcing a reimagining of culture andcollaboration from the ground up. The challenges of the past year have also reaffirmed a lotabout what we value in the unique atmosphere we’ve built […]

Ideal Insights – January 2021

  “When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid The new dawn blooms as we free it For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it If only we’re brave enough to be it” -Amanda Gorman This Week’s Update Welcome everyone to the new year. May it […]

From untrusted to overtrusted: how marketers must rethink their data (again)

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22 January 2021 New Thoughts, New Ideals This week’s New Thoughts, New Ideals column was written by Charlie Swift, EVP Head of Marketing & Account Management at Adstra Data-driven marketing has come a long way in just two decades, from a largely distrusted discipline to accepted table stakes for any advertising campaign. As an industry, […]

Ideal Insights – December 10, 2020

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“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.”  – Sundar Pichai This Week’s Update: First, we hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break and is finding new ways to celebrate this holiday season in safe and festive ways. Be it holiday Zoom parties, fun, celebratory email chains, or socially […]