Ideal Insights, October 29, 2020

Ideal Insights, October 29, 2020

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” … Yogi Berra

This Week’s Update: Shifting into the Fall, what changes are here to stay

There’s no shortage of news to command our attention these days, and between the election and the pandemic it might be easy to miss the true scope of one potentially transformative moment – the DOJ’s antitrust suit that was just filed against Google. If the DOJ’s allegations are proven, the outcome will represent nothing less than the biggest change to the internet since its inception.

While there are numerous implications of this lawsuit, we are keenly interested in the effect it will have on the deprecation of third-party cookies. Such a deprecation only impacts competitors and publishers, while strengthening the siloed data flow to Apple, Google, and Mozilla under the terms of the current exclusive search agreements.

As Google faces this reality, we should not be surprised if we see them reverse course on the removal of third party cookies, or adopt an acceptable industry alternative. Phasing them out by 2021 seems unlikely. And as targets of the DOJ probe, Apple and Mozilla may find themselves in similar positions and have to reverse their own actions against the cookie and move to reinstate it as a default feature of their browsers. After all, the allegations in the Complaint tie Apple and Mozilla directly to the alleged anticompetitive conduct, potentially also liable for treble damages like Google to publishers that have resulted from such behavior. While we don’t know where this will all end up and how long it will take, Antitrust lawsuits are rarely short, we do know that it is now more important than ever to consider flexible solutions and approaches to your Adtech and Martech platforms. Change is coming – and the scale and scope of that change has radically expanded from what we could have expected less than two weeks ago.

Should you look for more help on this topic, please reach out and we would be happy to help. Email us at

Adstra in Action:

Our Fall AdstrAct Discussion series continues on with solid success. We had over 120 folks sign up for the series to date, and over 500 views of the webinars online on our site, @ We hope you can find the time to join one of our next four discussions, where we explore the balance of service and technology, data driven marketing in the

nonprofit world, Privacy and Data sharing, and our Year in Review.

We also continue to make our data available for free in the support of non-commercial COVID- 19 initiatives and we are here to help as many more as we can. While we were initially focused on advancing the fight against COVID-19, if you are interested in other non-commercial cause related initiatives, please let us know and perhaps we can help.

If interested in Adstra’s offer, email for more details.

Articles of Interest:

Our insights are again only a small fraction of what is being shared out there. Here are some other interesting articles and opinions we thought to share to both inform and inspire discussion.

Rupert Hodson gets it… we need to start looking at how we measure performance in new ways:

Your performance marketing KPIs are obsolete

Raja Rajamannar takes it a step further: we also need to start looking again to how we market going forward with new tech like Smart speakers and AI stepping in

Raja Rajamannar: How technology and data killed marketing as we knew it

So where does all this change leave us in terms of thinking about 2021? Anita Brearton sheds some light on things to think about

Making Your 2021 Marketing Plan? These Data Points Can Help

There is a lot of noise surrounding Google with the announcement of the DOJ’s antitrust suit, but still worth taking a look at how their privacy sandbox idea is playing out. Thanks to Allison Schiff at AdExchanger for her insight.

Google Releases Results From Early Tests Of Cohort-Based Advertising

Positivity Press:

We can all use a little positivity in life. Here are some of the recent highlights from our internal Positivity Press that we wanted to share with everyone:

As we head into election day, one thing we can all take as a positive in the record turnouts we are already seeing at the polls. Let’s see if we can break the 65% voter threshold that hasn’t been seen since the 1908 election. Time to VOTE, everyone.

Nearly 60 million cast early votes

Sometimes really really old can be new too. Check out these stories that include a 102 skydiver and 2,000 year old cat.

The Week – Good News this Week

Still looking to keep a little humor going in the positivity press. Thought we would share some funny insights from one of our favorites, Trevor Noah. Remember when we used to fly around and these were our troubles of the day…

Overbooking Business Class

As always, we are forever striving to provide useful, fun and actionable info that can help us all move forward successfully. Feel free to share feedback and ideas and we can share them with this community. Stay happy and healthy.

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