Ideal Insights – April 2021

Business man looking at bright light bulb

“There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.” – Franklin D Roosevelt Spring is here and the world truly is awakening anew. In that awaken is the realization that most everything has changed for marketers and advertisers from where we were a year ago. Consumer expectations and behaviors have […]

What looming postal increases teach about the future of omnichannel marketing

April 14, 2021 This week’s column was written by Britt Vatne, Adstra EVP – president account management. Amid the entire digital revolution in advertising, direct mail has remained a reliable constant for performance-minded marketers. Direct mail has been around for generations, and now garners much less attention than other channels. But look under the hood […]

A conversation with Flashtalking CEO John Nardone

finger on keyboard with showing graphics

March 30, 2021 — Adstra CEO Rick Erwin sat down with Flashtalking CEO John Nardone to discuss how each company is responding to changes in the data and advertising industry. The following Q&A provides an edited selection of that conversation. Flashtalking CEO John Nardone RICK: Congratulations on Flashtalking’s acquisition of Protected Media. That was exciting. […]

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