Ideal Insights – February 2021

hand touching digital lock

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis This Month’s Update As we make the shift into the new year and new presidential administration, there has certainly been a great deal of activity around privacy and the government’s position on the […]

Hedging your bets on a cookieless future

photo of woman jumping between two ledges

February 22, 2021 — This week’s column was written by Charlie Swift, EVP head of marketing & account management at Adstra. Digital media is heading for a cliff. Third-party browser cookies and mobile ad IDs (MAIDs) have served as the primary linkage between marketers and their customers for the last ten years, and they are […]

Testing assumptions around the portability of first-party identity

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February 19, 2021 This week’s column was written by Manish Ahuja, head of product and identity at Adstra. Marketers get it: third-party cookies are on the way out, and a new privacy paradigm is on the way in. The future of targeted media is all about finding secure and privacy-compliant ways to maximize the power […]

Finding the right balance with Adstra’s data model

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February 1, 2021 This week’s article is written by Pam Perron, Chief Human Resources Officer at Adstra. 2020 was a transformative year for every business, forcing a reimagining of culture andcollaboration from the ground up. The challenges of the past year have also reaffirmed a lotabout what we value in the unique atmosphere we’ve built […]

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